Friday, November 14, 2008

Week 3 DONE of the 100 Pushup Challenge!

Let me tell you, week 3 was HARD! today I did 22, 30, 20, 20 and 28.. only 90 second breaks in between.. that is a total of 120 pushups.. going into week 4 it gets REALLY hard.. 3 more weeks and I will be able to do 100 pushups in a row without any breaks.. this is an amazing program.. my arms are in the best shape they have EVER been in! It's hard though.. I know Amie joined me.. she is going into her 2nd week, I am going into my 4th.. I think she wanted me to be the ginny pig to see if it worked, and if it doesn't she will stop hahahah .. love ya Amie!

have a good weekend everyone!

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