Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 2 Done - Pushup Challenge

I am done week 2 of the 100 pushup challenge. It's getting harder and harder and my arms are taking a shape I never saw before. Week 2 was tough and week 3 is going to be brutal. I pushed out 80 pushups today for my 3rd day but not in a row yet.. it was with 60 second intervals. That is just amazing! Before I start week 3, you have to take the pushup test again before going to the next level.. which means Sunday night I have to push out as many pushups as I can before hitting the floor and that will be my new level.. week 3 is HARD.. but last night I pushed out 25 pushups in a row, when before I could only do 12-15 ... so this challenge is working! By week 6 I will be able to do 100 pushups in a row with no troubles, and I cannot wait to see that happen.

In the meantime my arms are rock hard.. I love it.. it's making my weight lifting easier too.. for anyone who wants to try the 100 pushup challenge, here is the link

I am telling you, it WORKS.. I will keep you updated on my challenge!

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