Sunday, November 23, 2008

Karen 51 Ross 50 WHOO HOO

Okay.. tonight Ross and Amie came over for dinner, and it just wouldn't be a get together if me and Ross were not competing in some kind of fitness competition! SO Ross said to my son Chris "How many Pushups can you do?" .. Chris said "I think I can do about 100" .. "Ross said, I think I can do about 100 too".. ohhhh ok, lets see who can do the most. So I sat there and watched Ross go first, Ross pushed out 50 before he couldn't do anymore.. Chris 45 pushups he couldn't do anymore! I later then said.. wanna see me push out 50? Ross said "push out 51" so amie comes in the room to see this.. I pushed out 51 PUSHUPS BABY! I beat them BOTH! What a rush.. I couldn't feel my arms for about 30 minutes, but I kicked some BUTT!

I told you Ross I would post this on my blog... 51 pushups BABY!


Barbara said...

See, even more inspiration!!! 51 is scary! I'm going for that same number, just in reverse: 15! lol!Way to go, Karen!

Karen said...

LOL barbara! Your funny!