Friday, July 25, 2008

The Weekend is Here

The Weekend is here, Tomorrow I might be going to DCI - Drum Corps International with Christopher.. it's a HUGE marching band competiton and show.. it's at the Georgia Dome tomorrow.. this is something Chris and I do all the time when we lived up in NH.. it's from 10am till 9pm, so it's a LONG LONG day... not 100% sure yet.

I need to get caught up on oraganization this weekend.. the kids start school soon, and I want to have everything organized with our house and life before the hectic schedule begins.. I love to be organized and everything in place.. house wise and kids rooms, and everything...

Next week we are going to TYBEE ISLAND from Friday to Saturday and Tracy is coming with me YAY! my kids will have a good time.. one last thing before school starts.. they are excited abotu it!

Well gotta run, have a good weekend.. I am tired and sluggish, but hopefully I get through that.

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