Sunday, August 3, 2008

So Darn Proud!

See now Ross you got to embarass me in church in front of hundreds of people today, now it's my turn hahahah.. no for real, this is great.. I just want to say how PROUD I am of Ross and his weight loss! Ross lost 60 POUNDS since working out and training with Debbie (now my trainer as well), and he is just kicking some MAJOR butt.. him and Jared both! I remember Ross coming up to me last year and saying I was an inspiration to his weight loss, and I cannot take any credit, he has worked his ASS off for the past YEAR... and even though he can beat me in arm wrestling, I DO have the better cut.. sorry! heheh kidding!

No seriously I am so proud of you, you have overcome what is the hardest challenge in life and that's changing yourself to be healthier.. I have seen your ups and downs, and the hard challenges you have fought through when you had the nose and throat surgery, and how tough of a road that was for you, but you got back up and fought hard.. thats awesome.. you look like a whole new you, happier you!

I saw both you and Jared up on stage at church today and I said WOW.. just amazing! We are all getting healthy and fit and under the spell of a kick ass crazy trainer hahahah.... thats all I have to say now get down and give me 50 pushups hahah.. I am saying that in my best BOSTON accent.. I dunno do you think the Boston Accent is more demanding or Debbie's NY accent?

Love Ya Ross.. your the best!

Check out Ross's Testimonial on his blog.. it's amazing!

Also check out his before and after photo... YOU ROCK MAN!

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