Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am so sad.. The Serene Bean is closing!

I just found out today that my favorite place in the whole world to be "The Serene Bean" is closing Saturday night! They are having their last singing night, and everything! I have been so emotional to begin with the past couple weeks but this just put me into such sadness!

The Serene Bean is more than just a coffee house for me (obviously because I dont drink coffee), but this place is just where I met some of the greatest friends like Anna Kay Toms, Leanne, Heather Parks, Lara and Bill, Ian, Kate, Jonathan and MANY MANY more! This to me is such a huge loss, it's where I go to be alone with my thoughts, it's where I go to raise my spirits high when I am feeling down. I am at such a shock right now.....

Thank You Lara and Bill for providing such a wonderful HOME feeling you gave us at the Serene Bean.. it will be a huge loss to everyone and the community!

Join US this Saturday night a bunch of us are going to meet up.. it will probably be PACKED seeing it's the last night.. I just got off the phone with leanne and Anna is coming too, I hope she will be able to sing! ... I think Amie and Ross are coming too so hope to see you guys all there... we will be meeting at 7 till 11:00pm

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