Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Poor Ryan

Ryan was not a happy camper today.. he had to spend all day in school pondering over the fact that he had to get 3 SHOTS done at the DR's after school. He had to get his 6th grade (12 year old) shots.. He got off the bus with his pout look on his face like "I dont want to do this" .. I felt so bad for him. We got to the Dr's and the nurse brought in 3 needles.. he was actually CALM but just nervous! They gave him 2 shots in one arm and one shot right in the muscle of the other arm.. I felt so bad for him.. he didn't cry, he didn't do anything he just sat there and took it. I was actually shocked that he turned his head and watched her put the needle in... BRAVE child!

Poor Ryan is so sore.. he is in so much pain, can't even lift his arms up. I feel bad for him, and he has to go to school in the morning.. ouch! I hate it when kids have to go through pain... but I made it up to him after and got him a ice cream and his favorite thing for dinner.. but he is still sore.... but he is all set now until he needs another booster in 10 years. I should have taken a photo of his face when he got off the bus.... it was funny but so sad! He has those puppy eyes like "please dont make me do this" awwwwwwww...... I just love my kids so much!

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