Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chris made The Front Page!

Chris made the front page of the Tribune Newspaper this morning.. They took a photo of him from the bass's... NO I did not take this photo...


Vote For Woodstock Marching Band

Last night Channel 2 News covered the band and their halftime performance.. you can vote for them to win band of the week, then at the end they will vote on all the bands who won band of the week for the grand winner.

Check out the bands performance here

Here is where you vote

They kicked butt last week.. check out during the end the drum solo of the bass's it's awesome.. it's amazing how fast they move around with those bass's on them... there is one thing that chris has learned is to run backwards with a bass on... their solo was awesome!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Helped Amie and Ross Move

I just got back from helping Amie and Ross move a little... it was so exciting to see this new journey for them... ever since I met Amie she has always talked about wanting to get her own house again, and every time I was in the car with her, we would pass by a house and say "awww thats pretty, thats so pretty, someday I will have my own house" well now she does, and it's beautiful and I am so proud and happy for them! They have EARNED it.. it's a gift from god and I hope they make many happy memories there!

Congrats on the new house guys :) ... more room to PARTY now :) ... Just kidding!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Poor Ryan

Ryan was not a happy camper today.. he had to spend all day in school pondering over the fact that he had to get 3 SHOTS done at the DR's after school. He had to get his 6th grade (12 year old) shots.. He got off the bus with his pout look on his face like "I dont want to do this" .. I felt so bad for him. We got to the Dr's and the nurse brought in 3 needles.. he was actually CALM but just nervous! They gave him 2 shots in one arm and one shot right in the muscle of the other arm.. I felt so bad for him.. he didn't cry, he didn't do anything he just sat there and took it. I was actually shocked that he turned his head and watched her put the needle in... BRAVE child!

Poor Ryan is so sore.. he is in so much pain, can't even lift his arms up. I feel bad for him, and he has to go to school in the morning.. ouch! I hate it when kids have to go through pain... but I made it up to him after and got him a ice cream and his favorite thing for dinner.. but he is still sore.... but he is all set now until he needs another booster in 10 years. I should have taken a photo of his face when he got off the bus.... it was funny but so sad! He has those puppy eyes like "please dont make me do this" awwwwwwww...... I just love my kids so much!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Back To Working Out ... Was Great!

I went back to the gym this morning 6:00am.. I ran for a half hour and did weights and abs.. it felt SO GOOD to be back at the gym after my 2 week break. I needed that break, I was getting burnt out.. now I am back to full routine and my body is thanking me.. well tomorrow I dont think so, but today I feel FIT.

Got up this morning and weighed.. lost 6 pounds! WOW! dont ask how.. but I am back in the routine, and lifting weights.. I have a goal to meet by the end of this year with my weight lifting and cardio.. it's going to be hard, I have so many distractions lately, but I am up for the challenge....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

This Years Wall Photo

Everyone that comes to my house knows about the "Marching Band Wall" .. I started this wall in Chris's freshman year on the Drumline. I pick one big photo for that season and then a group Bass photo and then a misc photo for that year.. so on my wall right now is a freshman side, a sophmore side and now this year i am working on his Junior section. I pick ONE BIG photo for each season of a pose. I got my photo last night at the game for this season's big photo to go on the wall. This is always a challenge because Chris doesn't like to pose for photos, so I have to get a photo for the wall. Well I am so glad I got last nights, it's different and it's from a different angle, and I love it...

Here is this years Junior year wall photo

BELOW is his Freshman wall photo and his Sophmore Wall Photo...

Friday, September 19, 2008

It's Been a While.....

It's been a while since I blogged.. been kinda busy with alot going on. It's Friday again.. This afternoon me, Amie and the kids are taking the kids to the park to have a picnic.. it's been a while since we have done that, it's always nice to have that time with the kids.. my kids fall break wasn't much of a vacation.. we didn't do anything.... I feel bad about that.

Chris has a GAME tonight.. it's the first HOME game of the season. Yup that means I will busy taking photos all night... This also means that they will be giving out the "media guides" in which all my portraits of the band will be displayed... I can't wait to see my work in the guide. Woodstock plays Marietta tonight.. the first home game is always the most exciting! Come check it out if your not doing anything tonight.. game starts at 7:30pm.. come check out the drumline!

I better rest up while I can.. Bootcamp starts back up Monday! Yup, there was a 2 weeks break! I also took a week off from working out.. my body needed the break, But I am back and back into a strict weight lifting routine.. I am going to do some crossfit training this month too! hard stuff but gives you an amazing body!

Anyways... last week me and my Ryan took a photo together... I was looking at it and just LOVE it.. I love all the photos of me and my kids.. they will cherish these photos when they get older.. Ryan has the biggest heart.. he must tell me 2o times a day he loves me.. I love this photo awwww!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Amazing Photoshoot.. Simply Amazing!

As you know I specialize in Children Photography... well this past Sunday I have had the pleasure to take on a client who I know who comes to our Thursday Woman's group and she has a little baby name Natalie... when I first saw her smile I knew I had to do her photos.. so I told her I would do the baby photos for free.. I have been out of the loop for a while and haven't done a baby photoshoot in months... This baby smiles so much that I did her photoshoot in 20 minutes with the normal being an hour to an hour and a half.. she smiles so much it's crazy.

Take a look at some of the work I did yesterday.... would you know that these photos were taken OUTSIDE at the park, on a black moonchair, with a black cloth.. this is all natural lighting, no flash.. it was cloudy which was perfect, taken at about 6:00pm.. this first one she was reaching out to my camera... so cute!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Major Hangover.. Never again!

last night was the best night I ever had, but I will never drink again! I dont remember anything after the 1st drink, it was tall and I had it on an empty stomach, and it had 3 different rums in it, after that drink is a blur... I remember little things here and there, but other than that, I woke up in my bed, in my pajamas and I have no clue how I got there! A couple people called me this morning and told me how entertaining I was last night... they took video and photos.. I dont even want to know.... I had 3 drinks called "The Ultimate" something.. it had alot of stuff in it..

From what I DO remember in the beginning I had such a good time.. all my friends there, they gave me such cute gifts and cards, and it was just wonderful! I guess I took lots of photos, so I will have to go back and look at the photos I took ha!

I have such a headache I can't even go to church this morning, and I have a baby photoshoot today... this is going to be interesting.

I wont drink ever again, I dont like the feeling.. but at least I can say I did, and that was enough for me!

Here is a photo of the group of us... I think I had one drink at this point.. I dont know

heather, traci, me, leanne, amie, and Kim ...

Me.. I dont remember this photo.. poor kim had to sit next to me all night! Kim drank too, hey Kim what drink was that? hahah I think I had a sip..

Friday, September 12, 2008

VIDEO - The Cadance

Chris and the Drumline doing "The Cadance" for this year... sounds awesome... of course you tube cuts the crap out of the video so the quality is not as nice.. but at least you can hear it.. PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON to see it.. make sure your volume is up!

It's Friday

Sorry I know I haven't blogged all week really... I have had a tough week and trying to get through it. It's my Birthday today, but it's not complete because Tim went to NY for a week.. I miss him already! He is taking me out with the kids when he gets back... but it's still not the same, I miss him more so this time around. Him and I realized last night before he got on the plane that he was flying on 9-11 .... that spooked me out a little.. but he is fine and safe in NY right now.

Saturday night (tomorrow night), my friends are taking me out for my birthday.. Tracy, Amie, Leanne, Nicole, Heather, Kim, and Anna.. they are all such good friends.

The kids are on vacation next week "fall break" .... I will have to find some things for them to do.... doesn't feel like fall yet thats for sure.... oh well

have a good weekend

.. P.S. I took a photo of Chris at practice yesterday.... I like this photo...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Check it out! PHOTOS

I found this new PHOTO PROGRAM for my blog so you guys can scroll through new photos.. here are Chris's marching band Photos this year so far... take a look.. look under the photo and click on the thumbnails to see the next photo OR you can click on the photo itself and it bring you to the next one.. it's really cool, and so much easier for me to post photos!

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday....

It's Monday and I have another busy week ahead of me... Tim is leaving for NY on Thursday.. kinda bummed about that because he is leaving the day before my Birthday.. but thats ok, we plan to do something together when he gets back. My friends are taking me out this Saturday night... it's going to be an interesting night out!

It's going to be crazy this week.... I really do need a vacation.. I wish I was going to the ocean for a week, that would be so nice. My kids are on vacation for a week next week, I wish we could do something and get away, but we can't.. Chris's marching band is so HIGH in priority right now, they are right in the middle of learning new drills for competitions.. he HAS to be there... so we are pretty much stuck till the 2nd week of November when Marching season is over.... I feel bad for nathan and ryan sometimes because of that, but we have to do what we have to do. I will make it up to them somehow. So with them being on vacation all next week, I have to fit in all my clients and stuff next week... and with Tim being gone half the week, it's going to be hectic.

Listen to the song on my page... listen to the words.. boy do some of those words fit my life! WOW! it hits home! ... some will know what that means

have a good week everyone

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday.... I slept in too late!

Ever have one of those days where you sleep in and the day is gone? yeah I slept in till 2:30pm... oh well I must have needed it.. working out so much, doing alot of running, and then being at the band camp from 3-9:30 last night, I was tired! The bad thing about sleeping in is that it can backfire and you get too much sleep and your still tired all day.. oh well.. I have alot to get caught up on today work-wise.

I got sunburn yesterday being at the camp.. it was HOT yesterday..... speaking of weather, keep your eye on Hurrican IKE.. it's a CAT4 and looks to hit either EAST of Florida or WEST.. either way we will get something from it.. if we get the EAST side of it we will only get winds, if we get the west side of it, well... thats another story.

have a good day...

This is a powerful Hurricane... I hope it doesn't hit us!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Baby Not a Baby Anymore!

I was fixing up some photos from last Friday's game, and I came across this one and just looked at it, kinda sad that Chris has grown up so fast! It seems like yesterday he was starting his first day of school in Kindergarten... now he is going to be a senior next May, and getting his license in a couple months... and what really hits me is the fact that he will be off to college in just a year and a half ... it's so overwhelming when all you can really remember is their younger years like it was yesterday.

I love this photo of him, it's one of my new fav's.. he is actually SMILING! Oh my gosh.. and I didn't have to pay him?! ha kidding..

Friday, September 5, 2008

Free Friday

I dont remember the last time I didn't have much going on, on a Friday! Chris didn't have a game tonight, it was an open game, so they just had practice. It was beautiful out today.. I love it when we have High Pressure over our area, lots of sun and no muggie air. Tim and I went out tonight which was nice... he is leaving for NY next thursday so it's nice to spend some time before I get busy again next week.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I am on the roster for being at the Fall Band Camp at the Woodstock highschool from 3-9pm.. going to be a long day in the sun... taking photos and helping out. From 7-9 they are going to be in the stadium running through their program in the football field. I will post photos when I upload them, I still haven't finished last weeks photos, I am a little behind.

Hope everyone has a good weekend...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Silly Kids

Nathan and Ryan always wrestle and fool around.. well I had to get a photo of this, Nathan giving Ryan a piggy back.. ryan is the same height as me and nathan gave him a piggy back ride.. I think nathan is going to be our football player in the house, he is strong! they are goofballs!

nathan giving Ryan a piggy back ride.. Ryan weighs 30 pounds more than nathan ... this is funny!

nathan gets a turn.. they are goofballs!

It's Wednesday

This week is flying by already... I am feeling a little better.. the past couple days I have been feeling so ILL.. everytime I ate I felt very sick, but then I was hungry and then if I ate something I felt sick.. I get this once in a while.. it happens to me at least twice a year, and everyone knows I hardly get sick. I dont think I was sick, I just think it's stress and I need to listen to my body and relax more. I feel much better this afternoon, not as nauseous!

This Saturday Chris's Marching Band is having FALL HOME CAMP.. they will be practicing at the school from 9am till 9pm.. I am helping out 3pm - 9pm .. maybe I will take some photos.. I love to watch them working on their new sections of the program.

I have a video clip of the drumline doing the cadence.. I will post that this week, I know alot of you have been asking me about it. I will get to it.. it's been a crazy week so far.

Check out the new song on this page.... it's such a great song..

Have a good day!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Totally Worn Down

HA I feel like one of those erasers on the top of a pencil thats been used over and over and over and I am worn down to nothing! I am on and off in bed today... I have a bad sinus headache, allergies were really bad all day yesterday, I am very tired and worn out.. I get this once in a while when I just am worn out! I hardly ever feel yucky physically.. so I better listen to my body and slow down! I'm not sick, I just have a very bad sinus headache from the bad allergie attack I had all day yesterday and I need to relax and rest!

I am glad today is a holiday.. sometimes when I feel this way going tanning with the warm lamps helps me feel better... my friend got me a gift certificate to the tanning place and I still haven't used them, maybe I will try laying in the warm bed and see if that helps.. I feel so YUCKY today!

I hope everyone has had a good holiday weekend.. I keep thinking today is Sunday, doesn't feel like Monday, I am going to be screwed up all week now. I hope I dont have alot going on this week... I think I have 2 clients but thats about it, and no game this Friday, so it should be an easy week I hope.

I hope everyone has a good day