Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Friday Again... and Again

it seems like the only blog I remember is the Friday one.. it always seems like it's Friday when I come here and write. I guess the rest of the week is always a blank because I am so busy all the time during the week.

The Olympics started today YAY! I love the olympics.. Gymnastics and Swimming (GO PHELPS) .. love the mens gymnastics, these guys are built like you wouldn't believe, they have amazing strength! Can't wait to start recording those and watching those this weekend! I have been waiting all year for the olympics to start.. LOVE IT!

I am still VERY saddened that the Serene Bean is closing.. I stopped in last night and got me, Ross and Amie a drink on my way to their house.. it's just so sad to see notices all around there, and the people were talking... it was packed last night, it's just so sad! Speaking of the Serene Bean, we have all made our arrangments, we are all meeting at 7pm tomorow night at the bean.. Me, Leanne, Anna Kay Toms, Amie, Ross, Tracy and Brad and a couple others.. we will take photos of course.. Anna is singing I think at 9:30.. we will be there till 11:00pm..

Well it's Friday, waiting for my kids to get off the bus and then we are heading to the Pool for the day.. it's actually nice out where you can BREATH the air and it's still warm enough to swim.. I will probably fall asleep, I have gotten very little sleep this week.

have a good weekend...

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