Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some Photos from Monday Night!

Here are some funny photos from Monday night when Amie and Ross came over to dinner! Amie says me and Ross should have been related, we constantly joke around and pick on each other! yeah ROSS see I can pick on you too... I am saying that in my best NY Accent!

Click on the photos to make them bigger!

Me, Amie and Ross.. What the heck is sticking out of Amies head?

Me and Amie.. my sweetest friend in the whole world!

ross acting gay-ish hehehe how does amie put up with him? hehe I have no idea what he was doing here!

Dont ask!

me and Ross Contiplating, thinking, putting our heads together! planning out next revenge, our next joke!

Here is Amie, she wasn't ready for the picture, but Ross was explaining the meaning of life!
and something is still sticking out of Amie's head!

See what happens when you stay up past your bedtime?

and my favorite photo.. after 10,000 takes ross finally decided he was going to behave!

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