Sunday, June 29, 2008

Photos from Chris's Birthday

Well Christopher's Birthday is not technically till tomorrow (Monday), but we went out last night at his favorite place.. tried to take a couple photos of him, but he was being his usual grumpy self when it comes to taking photos. Either he is in the mood or not at all. But it was fun...

Here are a couple photos from last night.. I only got a few, it was hard taking photos at the place we went to. Tracy came with us, so that was fun!

Click on the photos to make them larger to view!

Chris looking thrilled & Him with Hat on

Ryan and then nathan wearing a shirt that says
"My way or the Highway"

Me, and then Nathan being cute

Me and Tracy and Nathan and Ryan

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Favorite Photo .. My Boys!

I was going through photos and I came across my favorite photo of my boys! This was taken last month.. Ryan, Tim, Chris, Nathan. Chris is taller than Tim now! Nathan always has the best smile.. Chris never smiles (unless you pay him), and Ryan is just innocent :)

Click on the photo to make it larger

Monday, June 23, 2008


Some photos from when Me, and Leanne got together and lake photos .. this was a good time! I love my girls!

Amie sporting her new short haircut!

Leanne got my camera and took this CLOSE up of me hahahah ..
I was shocked I think! hey I am suppose to take the photos!

Me and Leanne... I look drunk here, I swear I didn't drink..
too much sun, YEAH thats what it was!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Comes around Goes Around


I decided last night I was going to go to the Serene Bean to get some work done.. so I packed up my laptop and headed there and got a table, and was all set to get some work done. Usually this is not the case because I know alot of people there now and I always get people who come to my table and we chat and before you know it, I got nothing done... tonight the same thing happened to me, yet it was important, and I am glad I could be there for this person tonight.

I went in to do some work, and someone I know comes in and comes over to my table and was happy to see me and sat next to me and he started talking and talking, and I just listened and I could tell right away I was meant to be at there.. he had an anxiety attack and needed to get out of the house to talk with someone... I know him, he is part of the church, and I was so happy to be there for him, just to listen and be a friend.. I have known him for about a year now and I am just glad that for once I was the person helping out, instead of having to lean on others... He felt much better and I told him he could take my cell # and call me anytime...

So the phrase "what comes around goes around" doesn't always mean it's a bad thing.. good things come around and goes around too!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Bootcamp From Hell!

Okay, as you all know I have been doing BOOTCAMP with my soon to be "new" personal trainer debbie on Monday mornings. Well we have bumped it up, and I did the bootcamp this morning and just about died and almost passed out. This bootcamp has been kicking my butt, and it's harder than anything I have done in training. This is why Debbie will be becoming my new personal trainer as of July 1st. If you have no idea what I am talking about, scroll down to the blog that says "Huge Decision to Make" .. I have made up my mind, I am letting Debbie take me on into her world of training... I am up for the challenge.

YES I am back to eating healthy every 2 hours.. I am feeling very very fit.. but this bootcamp is just crazy hard! Today we ran 3 miles, half of that she had us running backwards.. yes "backwards" .. she had us do UPHILL lunges, uphill squats, pushups, planks, more running, pullups, triceps dips, and more running up and down the hill... at one point when doing abs, I stopped and she came over and made me do it longer, and my eyes were filled with tears because I was just so pissed at how hard it was.. she said "you can get mad all you want! I just about got up and decked her for saying that, but later she gave me a hug and said "You are strong, you are going to kick ass girl!"

Take a look at the photos that were taken the other night... I am actually shocked at how thinner I have gotten just in the past month.. I am looking forward to the new program in getting more toned and fit.

I look at this and I dont think it's me.. I look mad here dont I? haha

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some Photos from Monday Night!

Here are some funny photos from Monday night when Amie and Ross came over to dinner! Amie says me and Ross should have been related, we constantly joke around and pick on each other! yeah ROSS see I can pick on you too... I am saying that in my best NY Accent!

Click on the photos to make them bigger!

Me, Amie and Ross.. What the heck is sticking out of Amies head?

Me and Amie.. my sweetest friend in the whole world!

ross acting gay-ish hehehe how does amie put up with him? hehe I have no idea what he was doing here!

Dont ask!

me and Ross Contiplating, thinking, putting our heads together! planning out next revenge, our next joke!

Here is Amie, she wasn't ready for the picture, but Ross was explaining the meaning of life!
and something is still sticking out of Amie's head!

See what happens when you stay up past your bedtime?

and my favorite photo.. after 10,000 takes ross finally decided he was going to behave!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Here are all my photos that I continuously took put together to create the action of the funnel cloud happening. If you look you can see the circluar motion happening, and if you look at the tree's they are blowing hard.. it skips around a little because I was doing these photos by HAND not on a tripod so it's a little shaky... Mind you my heart was racing a thousand beats a minute, I was in fear this was going to form into a dangerous tornado.. and it did 5 miles later! This is called a RFD - Rear Flank Downdraft....

Click on the link to see the photo of the tornado cloud in motion

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Video


This Video is SOOOO funny... Nathan thought I was taking a photo of him, but then he realized that I was video taping him.. then he started posing... OH MY GOSH this was so funny! Nathan cracks me up! He is the comedian in the family